CaliPaso Winery & Villa


The Perfect Setting for your Wedding or Private Event in Paso Robles.

Sur­round­ed by beau­ti­ful land­scaped gar­dens and framed by hun­dreds of acres of lush vine­yards, Cali­pa­so Inn offers a unique set­ting that high­lights Paso Robles’s nat­ur­al beau­ty. The Inn is an inti­mate bou­tique style hotel with a Tus­can fla­vor. Make the most of the out­door ter­races dur­ing cham­pagne recep­tions or al fres­co din­ing sur­round­ed by per­fect­ly man­i­cured gar­dens and Oak trees. Or dine and dance the night away in the roman­tic court­yard. Whether you are plan­ning a grand wed­ding for a few hun­dred spe­cial guests or an inti­mate cer­e­mo­ny and recep­tion for just a few, Cali­pa­so Inn is the quin­tes­sen­tial Wine Coun­try venue for your spe­cial day.

Vendor Profile - Jaime Glenn

Jaime Glenn


Brides and groom book out the hotel. So typically brides get ready in winemakers and we have a space above the office for the groom and his guys to get ready.
No outside alcohol. Our staff will help with beer ordering. We are a beer and wine facility only.
Outside decorations are allowed, however we ask that you let us know what your thoughts are and we require a list of any vendors being used.



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