3 of the Best Wedding Music Bands in Plano, TX
Best Wedding Music In Plano
Delivering a perfect blend of artistry and entertainment, Q THE BAND from Plano is a popular choice for couples looking to elevate their wedding day with live music. Featuring talented musicians like Anja Nissen, Ion Zanca, Melissa Priller, Vaughn Faison, Anna Pena, and Joseph Veazie, the band captivates audiences with a wide-ranging repertoire that covers multiple genres and eras. Known for creating memorable experiences, Q THE BAND brings energy and excitement to every performance, ensuring that weddings are truly unforgettable. Their commitment to musical excellence makes them a top option for couples in Plano who want a lively and engaging musical experience that will leave their guests raving long after the celebration ends.
Address: Plano | Dallas, TX
Phone: 214-288-2440
Profile: Q The Band
Contact : Ion Zanca
Contact :
Ion Zanca
Contact : Carl
Contact :
Contact : Mike & Danny
Contact :
Mike & Danny
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